Isaac has been speeding through the milestones lately. During our trip to Tulsa he learned how to sit up on his own, he's been army crawling for weeks now, and last week he learned how to pull to a stand. Just today he mastered the skill in his crib, and you can see how proud he is of himself.
And we made such a big deal about Isaac's first bite of food, I thought an update was in order. Purees = failure; he either gagged on the food or wanted to steal the spoon. Finger foods, however, have been a success. Messy as can be, but he is eating! So far he has loved avocado, banana, mango, peas, carrots, kiwi, asparagus, and Cheerios. Broccoli didn't even make it into the boca because the texture on his fingers really weirded him out. Ha! Here he is enjoying an avocado.