Sunday, December 20, 2009

While indoors...


... and after

It only took us a year and a half. Finally we have curtains in our bedroom!

Who asked for a white Christmas?

We haven't seen so much snow since Feb 2003--right after we got married! We've enjoyed being home bound, but we did venture into the backyard to give our little kitten his first experience in the snow. We know he should have had mittens, but what can we say they were lost...

Tulsa & Great Grandmother's

We took a 9 day trip to Tulsa and Texas. In Tulsa Isaac got to celebrate his birthday again with his cousin Kinley who was turning 4! In Texas Isaac got to see his Grandma and Great Grandma Conner. We had a blast!


It's taken a while to get these on the website. As all will see from the many posts to be added today (while we are snowed in)... we've been too busy to document our activities.

Our baby turned ONE on November 1st! Party guests included Aunt Catherine and his two best little friends Anna and Frances.