Aunt Crissie & Uncle Chris came to visit us in Baltimore this past weekend, and we had tons of fun. So much fun in fact, we forgot to take any pictures. :( Thankfully Crissie took the few I've included in this post. Sunday was Crissie's birthday! Highlights included strawberry cake and an exciting trip to Annapolis and the Chesapeake Bay. Monday Matt had to go back to work, but the rest of us explored Baltimore's Inner Harbor. We also made an (oh, so practical) Target run and got Isaac a paci he doesn't spit out every two seconds... Now I've got to be careful he doesn't get too addicted. :) Matt got off of autopsy early, so in the evening we pulled out our monopoly game, and Chris smashed us! Crissie, Matt & I even formed a union, but we still lost. Tuesday morning came all too soon, and we can't wait for our next visit!
Isaac REALLY loves his aunt!

Downtown Baltimore

Baby Isaac was a bit freaked out by the 40 mph winds

Chris & "Babe" outside Camden Yards. We decided next time they visit us in Baltimore it'll have to be in the summer so we can make a baseball game and go to the beach!
1 comment:
so much fun! i am green with envy :)
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