Daddy took me to the store this morning. I've come to dislike the store - not because of all the people fawning over me and trying to get me to smile or because of all the shiny colorful packages to look at. No all that is fine. My real problem is that I know that this place has all sorts of food that mommy and daddy don't let me eat. They sit me on their laps and shovel tasty treats into their mouths while I sit and watch, sometimes grabbing desperately to redirect their hands toward my salivating boca. Now in all honesty, my daddy does have a heart and has at times slipped me small licks of apple, cantaloupe, and (don't tell mommy) coca cola, but that's nothing compared to a real bite of something. But back to the store. Today was different, daddy picked out a me-sized sweet potato and let me carry it in the store - I was so excited I could barely contain myself. The real challenge was fighting daddy who wanted me to keep the paci in my mouth (I wanted to spit it out so that I could suck on my new food group).
Apparently the first bite is slated for Saturday morning (I'll believe it when I taste it). For now, my friend is sitting safely on the counter - 'til we meet again my sweet!