Monday, November 8, 2010

"Happy to You"!

Lucky little boy got to celebrate his birthday with his grandparents and his friends!

Thanks to Tim for these photos.

For those of you not in our family (and maybe those who are ;), this video is a bit long.


Crissie said...

Happy Birthday Isaac! Thanks Jen for the pictures and the video. Can't believe how much he has grown even from this summer. Loved seeing your little baby bump too in the video. So exciting.

Laura Garza said...

Oh Jen, Such a happy boy. He looks so grown up in his blue shirt. Really looks like Matthew. I missed a very special time. But I am so thankful it was so happy. You (four) are a blessing. Love you.
Thanks for posting the pics and the video.

Laura Garza said...

Sorry that Actually was mom. I am waiting for the load of the video on Laura's blog.

Caroline Belle said...

ahhh! thank you so much for the video!!! love love love his sweetness. and his "i love tulsa" shirt- HA!

Laura Garza said...

oh my goodness jen he kills me hes so cute!
Happyyyy Birthday to Isaac. he is so big!
thank you for sharing! :)
i agree with crissie love the baby bump! so beautifull.
loveee you!