Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cousin Peter

We are so very happy to welcome a new cousin: Charles Peter Stokes.  Lucky Aunt Jen got to snuggle with the sweet plump little guy this morning. He is blessed to have such a wonderful mommy, daddy and big sister. :)  Here's a little footage for family not so close to enjoy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Isaac works with Birthday drill

Aunt Heather gave Isaac a hand-powered drill which he got to open tonight. He used it to drill pilot holes on a coat rack.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lucy Dances!

Here is Lucy dancing to one of her favorite songs, "Procession of the Nobles". Matt & I played this song together long ago in middle school band with Mr. Washburn, but that is a rabbit trail I don't have time for now. :)

Since our little girl is having a birthday in a few days, perhaps there will be two posts this week!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from Isaac and Lucy

Wishing all of you the merriest Christmas and a blessed new year!

The Olsons

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lucy creepy crawling

So, Mom, here is finally a clip of Lucy. Maybe now that my computer situation at home is a bit improved I'll keep you a little better updated! Isaac may or may not have on underwear, so watcher be aware. All I know is that my nearly perfectly potty trained son was having so much fun putting stickers from Aunt Crissie onto a box that he forgot how urgently he needed to pee (that part is not in the video-just the lack of clothing)!

Here's the link:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thanks, Mom!

Spring is such a hopeful time in the garden--the earth is warming up, pests are scarce, plants are small but promising.

Mom, here are a few pics (now a bit outdated--everything's an inch or two taller, the carrots are even up, and the spinach picture is not cooperating). Thanks for helping me get it started.


sugar snap and snow peas

barely visible beets and swiss chard


An update

Well, despite the lack of posts we are still here...more in love with our little Lucy than ever!

Isaac continues to be gentle with his "little goose." No doubt we'll see some sibling roughness at some point, but we are enjoying the sweetness while it lasts.

Lucy (5 wks) going to church for the first time. What cute leggings--thanks Aunt Caroline. :)