Friday, February 27, 2009


I've been working on becoming consistent with Isaac's nighttime routine. Here is Isaac's bedtime song:

A Compline Hymn

Glory to Thee, my GOD, this night,
For all the blessings of the light!
Keep me, O keep me, King of kings,
Beneath Thy own almighty wings.

Forgive me, LORD, for Thy dear Son,
The ill that I this day have done;
That with the world, myself, and Thee,
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.

O! may my soul on Thee repose,
And with sweet sleep mine eyelids close--
Sleep, that may me more vigorous make,
To serve my GOD when I awake!

Praise GOD, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

If you wouldn't mind commenting, what's your favorite bedtime song or lullaby? I'd actually be happy for any recommendations of great music for little ones. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dreaming of Lollipops

For a month Isaac has been using his hands to grab things and pull them straight into his mouth. Here he is playing with one of his favorite toys.

For some unknown reason blogger was giving me trouble uploading this, so it's two weeks old. It's amazing how much dexterity he's gained in the two weeks since we filmed this.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Two weeks ago we finally got a couch from the Baltimore Salvage Yard (which, if you ever find yourself in Baltimore and are interested in antiques, is awesome). Some of you know what an accomplishment this is! Four years or so ago we had a hair-brained idea to sell our couch and replace it with a pew. Now I admit our couch wasn't a looker, and the pew did fit & look much nicer in our little condo in Arlington, but have you ever tried to lounge around on a pew? Ouch! So after 4 years of me patiently hinting (and at times not so patiently begging), we finally found one we could both agree upon and afford. It is comfy (my requirement); It's art deco (Matt's requirement). It also happens to be golden. Some might not find this aspect a plus, but it reminds me of my Grandma Foster's couch which we later inherited. So I have lots of happy memories associated with golden couches.

Isaac likes the couch. Unfortunately, so do Cordie and Ophie. That is why in the pic the couch is covered in Plastic Wrap. The cats hate plastic wrap, but they are such smart kittens I'm sure they'll go right back to scratching it as soon as we unwrap it. Oh well, a few scratches won't make it any less comfortable.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fluffy Bum

We've been using cloth diapers with Isaac. We decided to primarily for the $ benefits, and it's a nice bonus that they seem to be less wasteful and arguably better for the environment. They are also so much softer and less stinky than disposables.

We started off with some All-in-Ones (which were okay, but nothing to write home about), but now we use cotton pre-folds and "Thirsties" covers. They are a cinch to clean and NEVER leak.

Matt was originally skeptical of cloth diapers (because of the imagined icky mess, but honestly they are not that much work or mess), but he's now a convert. I overheard him the other day talking to Isaac while changing his diaper:

"EWWW, why did mommy put one of these NASTY disposable diapers on you. They make your skin so red and irritated, poor little guy. Let me put one of these nice fluffy diapers on you instead."

Ha, ha!

Isaac, however, prefers to go naked! And he only does tricks (such as pulling up on his knees) with a bare bum. Hopefully he'll soon be strong enough to overcome the diaper bulk and pull himself up with clothes on.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Look at me in my big boy overalls!

Can't quite believe my 3&1/2 month old fits nicely in 12 month clothing!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Naptime Charmer

For a 3 month old Isaac is a great nighttime sleeper. He usually goes down between 6-7pm and wakes up between 5:30-6:30am getting up once or twice in the night to eat. Naps, however, are another story! So far he'll only nap for beneficial time spans on me. When I try to have him nap in his crib this is what happens 9 times out of 10: we'll nurse and rock for an hour or so till I'm certain (or so I think) he's past the REM sleep into the deep stage. I lay him down no problem, sneak out, only to hear him 3 minutes later shouting (not crying, though if ignored it will escalate to crying) for me. When I come in, this is what I find:

Maybe when he's a little older we'll try some sleep training for naptime, but for now I'm just enjoying my snugly little bunny and not worrying about what else I could be getting done during Isaac's naptime. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Unlikely Friends

Oklahoma Heritage

Grandma Olson sent Isaac an OU shirt that Matt wore as a baby when Grandpa Olson was in residency there.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For Mommy Dear

I'm a late comer to the blogging world, but what will I not do for my mother--after all she's the best there is! Hopefully this will provide a more frequent glimpse into our life with Isaac, since sadly we don't live next door.

Sunday our friends from NoVa made the trek out to visit us in Baltimore. Here's a cute clip of Isaac "playing" with their little girl. I apologize for the length, Matt's going to have to show me how to cut these down to an appropriate size...

Meet the Kittens

Isaac Kitten

Our youngest, but don't be fooled his status is indisputable (for example, he is the only kitten NOT to spend the night in the basement)!

Ophelia Kitten (AKA "Magoo")

Our middle kitten is lovely but anxious. Her only trusted friend in the world is Cordie.

Cordelia Kitten (AKA "Blue")

Our oldest, who won't let you forget it! Typical.