Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fluffy Bum

We've been using cloth diapers with Isaac. We decided to primarily for the $ benefits, and it's a nice bonus that they seem to be less wasteful and arguably better for the environment. They are also so much softer and less stinky than disposables.

We started off with some All-in-Ones (which were okay, but nothing to write home about), but now we use cotton pre-folds and "Thirsties" covers. They are a cinch to clean and NEVER leak.

Matt was originally skeptical of cloth diapers (because of the imagined icky mess, but honestly they are not that much work or mess), but he's now a convert. I overheard him the other day talking to Isaac while changing his diaper:

"EWWW, why did mommy put one of these NASTY disposable diapers on you. They make your skin so red and irritated, poor little guy. Let me put one of these nice fluffy diapers on you instead."

Ha, ha!

Isaac, however, prefers to go naked! And he only does tricks (such as pulling up on his knees) with a bare bum. Hopefully he'll soon be strong enough to overcome the diaper bulk and pull himself up with clothes on.


Caroline Belle said...

oh his face is so cute in this picture! you need to get a pulling up picture, i cant believe he is already starting that! such a lovie.

Gail Conner said...

Oh,what a love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 He especially I believe is missing his grandmothers and just waiting for one of them to appear on the scenes to try some new tricks......... Hint hint g-ma-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!