Two weeks ago we finally got a couch from the Baltimore Salvage Yard (which, if you ever find yourself in Baltimore and are interested in antiques, is awesome). Some of you know what an accomplishment this is! Four years or so ago we had a hair-brained idea to sell our couch and replace it with a pew. Now I admit our couch wasn't a looker, and the pew did fit & look much nicer in our little condo in Arlington, but have you ever tried to lounge around on a pew? Ouch! So after 4 years of me patiently hinting (and at times not so patiently begging), we finally found one we could both agree upon and afford. It is comfy (my requirement); It's art deco (Matt's requirement). It also happens to be golden. Some might not find this aspect a plus, but it reminds me of my Grandma Foster's couch which we later inherited. So I have lots of happy memories associated with golden couches.
Isaac likes the couch. Unfortunately, so do Cordie and Ophie. That is why in the pic the couch is covered in Plastic Wrap. The cats hate plastic wrap, but they are such smart kittens I'm sure they'll go right back to scratching it as soon as we unwrap it. Oh well, a few scratches won't make it any less comfortable.

YAY YAY YAY- FOR A COUCH! what a lovely piece it is too! isaac looks so cute and happy on it, he is excited to have a soft place to lounge :)
love you!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh there are so many happy couch sitting pics with the kids in a line up or one baby propped in the corner for a shot. Fun, fun. I think you will enjoy it.
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